Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vegetable Soup Party

The girls have been LOVING their new playroom in the house.  I walked in today after bath time to find this cute scene:  a vegetable soup party!  Love it!

Artistic Expression

Luna has become quite an artiste these days.  She has even started telling people she wants to be an artist when she grows up!  Here are some of her recent creations.

Snails under water (in case you needed interpretation)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Perch n' Play FUN!

Bellingham has a GREAT new indoor play area, Perch n' Play,  for those days when there just isn't enough Gortex to keep you warm and dry.  We went to check it out this weekend and had a blast running around and playing with the girls for an hour.  We are definitely going to make this a regular winter hangout!

Our two night owls, Gracie & Luna

Luna scaling the climbing wall

Gracie at the block table

Playing with the big block tubs

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Welcome to our New Blog Address!

Welcome to our new blog site for Luna & Grace.  After 4 years on the previous blog, we have run out of space and are starting new!  We hope you continue to enjoy seeing what the girls have been up to.  Love, Brian, Lynnelle, Luna & Grace

Feel free to go back & visit at any time!