Monday, April 29, 2013

Semi-ah-moo with Oma & Grandpa

The girls and I headed up to Semi-ah-moo this weekend to meet Oma & Grandpa for a low tide walk.  I have never seen the tide out so far up at the resort!  We walked way out onto the mud flats and got to watch other families digging up huge clams.  We did a little critter searching ourselves and found sea stars, crabs and lots of sand dollars.  While a bit windy, the girls had a blast!

Luna checking out the empty clam shells

Gracie investigating some of the holes dug up by the clam diggers

Luna & Grandpa exploring

Low tide

Continuing our walk back on solid land

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A little of this & a little of that

Here's a few pictures from this month.....
Hanging with Gus Gus

Trying on Mommy's shoes

Hanging in the backyard


Riding the Trike

Our little cutie - Gracie

Luna's list for when Aunt Dona comes to visit: high heels, donuts, swing set, cupcake place

Gracie started taking her own diaper off in bed, so we needed to resort to pink duct tape to keep it on...

Gracie changing her baby's diaper

Working in the yard!


Love this cutie pie!

Yum!  Broccoli!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Gracie's Birthday Party!

We celebrated Gracie's birthday today with Oma, Grandpa, Grammy, Cousin Hugo, Auntie Emily & Uncle Pat.  What a great afternoon to hang out together and celebrate our sweet 2 year old.  I love that Gracie is not yet "in to" presents and just enjoys playing with the wrapping paper and being around all her favorite people.  Isn't that what its all about?  Happy Birthday Gracie!